A good story sticks with you

A storyteller with expertise in tourism

Who likes listening to endless dry facts? Or an article so obviously clickbait it is ridiculous? Even stories told of the worlds most well-known names can frankly be dull, let it be a service providers website, or the tourist sight of a Budapest guided tour.

Yet a good story is something we like listening to. We listen and remember because it captured our emotions. And we can hardly wait to hear more.

Your topic too has a story in it that would captivate its audience.

My experience in tourism and hospitality

Tour guide

Hotel industry

Online Tour Agency

Non-hotel Accommodation

What does quality add to a text?

Anyone can have a website and anyone can write its content. However that website will only be like anybody elses. To outshine the limitless content of the world wide web, we need quality text.

An optimized text is easier to find. A useful content tempts the visitor to start reading. An entertaining text is more likely to be read through till the end and one that engages, will also be remembered.

Content quality is what creates base for the succesfull presentation of a written text, but even live speech.

Check out my work

Are you looking for a content writer or tour guide with experience in Budapest tourism?

Storytelling is the focus of all my different works.

A good story – written or told on a tour – does not simply fill space or pass time. It meets the expectations of both the partner and the reader/listener. It also fits into the context, may that be a program, a website or anything else.

To achieve that I always start by getting to know new partners and the goals they set.

Borbála Korom

Borbála Korom

Writer of articles, blogs, content and a licensed tour guide

Interested in working together?


What my partners say

“Borbala was an absolute pleasure to work with! She produced some fantastic written content about Budapest, followed the brief carefully, was quick to communicate and delivered on time. We would definitely like to work with Borbala again in the future and highly recommend her for written projects.”
Priscilla Dempsey


“Borbala was amazing to work with. She far exceeded my expectations. Smart, funny, and a delight to work with. She’s a very good writer, who took the assignment very seriously. I look forward to working with her in the future!”
Michael Suskind

Founder, Sherpa Tours